There are over 9 billion searches every day. That’s more than 100,000 every second.

To satisfy this thirst for info, websites have focused on quantity over quality, pumping out pages full of disappointing results.

This isn’t strategy: it’s spam. And it’s what often comes to mind when it comes to SEO.

We believe—and know—the opposite is true. Having a real strategy, understanding search intent and using powerful tools produces better content that leads to better results.

Quantity and quality are no longer mutually exclusive because we create both speed and direction to generate velocity.

Together, we can make an impact. Let’s create the best content, everywhere that matters.

Ethan Smith, CEO

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Moving fast without direction means missing your mark. Having a destination but not enough speed means never getting there. But when you have both, that’s velocity—and velocity equals impact.


Our rigorous and data-driven approach means we’re constantly validating what strategies drive the most impact. We’re at the leading edge of SEO and it shows in the significant growth we can deliver.


Our purposely built Topical SEO platform and proven track record of generating growth allow you to execute at a pace that other’s can’t match. Do more with less and see faster results at the same time.


Direction + speed = velocity. It’s a simple equation with big implications. Velocity means creating impact on a scale that can transform your growth curve. This is what we live for and what we deliver.

by the numbers


of acquisition traffic comes from SEO for Graphite clients after one year


growth in traffic for all Graphite clients within the first 18 months


median traffic growth for Graphite clients over the first 12 months

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