Case Study

How Fourthwall increased search revenue by 936% in 9 months

Jose Luis Paredes, PhD

Data Specialist

The Challenge

Fourthwall empowers creators to monetize their brand 
while also delighting fans–a true win-win. Founded in 2019, they’ve quickly become the preferred platform for over 
50,000 creators to sell products online (from merch to candies 
and more) and build recurring revenue with memberships.

By 2023, Fourthwall had a winning product with strong market validation and it was time to scale their distribution. The team decided to focus on high trust channels with natural demand, making SEO a great fit. With thousands of quality backlinks driven through their partnerships with creators, Fourthwall 
also had the domain authority to quickly rank for competitive searches.

With half of the SEO puzzle solved, they began searching for 
a partner who could help them unlock the channel’s potential.

Before Graphite, we were probably a 3 out of 10 
when it comes to SEO. 
With access to the platform and the Graphite team, we’ve jumped to a 9 out of 10 in a matter of months.

Will Baumann, CEO

The Solution

Despite unsuccessful attempts to grow SEO in the past, co-founder and 
CEO, Will Baumann remained bullish that SEO was a big opportunity. In his words, “Thinking from first principles, SEO should be a big growth lever for us. We just needed the right guidance.”

It’s with this calculated optimism that Fourthwall began using the Graphite Platform.


Improved topic selection 
with Topic Explorer

Fourthwall historically had a low success rate with their articles. Even when an article would perform, the team found it challenging to replicate its success. One of the key issues was a lack of good data to help prioritize what content to produce.

With Topic Explorer, Fourthwall was able to research topics in seconds and get a more accurate traffic projection for the entire topic, not just a specific keyword. They also gained more clarity on what topics they could rank for by using their personalized Topical Authority score.

As the Fourthwall team scaled content production, they used Graphite’s recommendation algorithm to consistently add new ideas into their content pipeline.


Shifting from guesswork to 
science with Writing Assistant

A big concern that Fourthwall had was that they lacked SEO expertise on their 
team. While they deeply knew their customer, they were missing clear guidance 
on how to write in a way that maximized search engine results.

Writing Assistant provided Fourthwall with a blueprint for success by surfacing target keywords for every topic along with suggested terms and other important content.

As the team started writing, Graphite’s AI-powered content score made it straightforward to create high quality content that outranked other pages on the SERP.


Unlocking programmatic product 
pages with data-driven insights

One of Fourthwall’s key page types are programmatically built product pages. 
Given their large catalog of merchandise, these pages have the potential to rank and get traffic across many different keywords. While the opportunity was clear, the pages were struggling to rank.

With Graphite, Fourthwall was able to identify critical content gaps. They 
then added an FAQ section to each page to address these gaps and saw 
a 300% increase in traffic.“

Without Graphite, we would never have known to include this information 
on our pages.” – Will Baumann, CEO

The Results

Fourthwall has seen exciting revenue growth for SEO and they plan to invest further in 2024

In 9 months, Fourthwall has established a strong foundation for SEO growth. 
They now have a repeatable system for producing content that can consistently drive traffic gains. Most importantly, it’s also translating into revenue growth.

“Before Graphite, we were probably a 3 out of 10 when it comes to SEO. With access to the platform and the Graphite team, we’ve jumped to a 9 out of 10 
in a matter of months.” – Will Baumann, CEO

With these early signals, Fourthwall plans to increase their SEO investment 
and scale their content efforts over the next 12 months.



increase in impressions
(3310% growth)


increase in clicks
(2301% growth)


increase in search driven revenue

How much impact will SEO have on your growth?

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